Imagine you’re on a journey to create the coolest video game ever. Three.js is like your trusty backpack, filled with tools and gadgets to help you. But wait, there’s more! Just like you can add nifty tools to your backpack, you can pump up your Three.js powers with extensions and libraries. Whether coding away in Visual Studio Code or marveling at WebGL game animations, these tools, available as open-source goodies on GitHub, make life easier. From jaw-dropping animations to the mechanics that make a game tick, these libraries take the might of JavaScript and WebGL, blending them into a pure magic framework. Even complex-sounding tasks become doable with them, like crafting that perfect game engine or recreating real-world physics. Ready to dive into some cool JS examples and up your game? Let’s get started!


Ever dreamt of making a virtual apple fall not just downwards, but with the realistic thud and bounce? That’s where Cannon.js swings in. As a 3D physics engine for Three.js, Cannon.js isn’t just about making things move; it’s about adding a touch of reality to those movements. Whether you’re designing a game where bounding boxes react to a player’s actions or where every rotation feels authentic, Cannon.js is your best buddy. And hey, it’s not the only player on the block; while Babylon.js and Cocos Creator have their unique strengths, Cannon.js is specially tailored for the Three.js universe. Curious developers can easily find its open-source code on GitHub and dive into JS physics wonders. So next time you’re toggling between React Three.js or Matter.js, remember: for genuine JavaScript physics in Threejs, Cannon.js is a top contender!


Animation buffs, gather around! If you’ve ever dreamt of breathing life into your Three.js objects with smooth transitions, Tween.js is your magic wand. A part of the CreateJS suite, Tween.js is a compact JavaScript library that makes animating elements a piece of cake. Picture this: a cube in your Three.js game smoothly transitioning from one color to another or gliding across your screen. That’s Tween.js working its charm. Hungry for inspiration? Dive into various Tweenjs examples on platforms like CodePen to witness the magic firsthand. While CreateJS offers a broader toolkit for game developers, Tween.js is the go-to when working with Threejs for those lifelike animations. If you’re curious about diving deeper, a quick search on GitHub will reveal its open-source code, opening doors to a world of animation delights!


The quest for seamless physics is paramount for all gaming enthusiasts diving into Three.js. Enter Ammo.js, a high-level, powerful JavaScript physics engine geared to take your gaming projects to the next level. It specializes in handling complex rigid body dynamics and collision detection. Want your game objects to interact in a lifelike manner? Ammo.js has got you covered. It’s fascinating to see spheres bouncing, blocks tumbling, and characters moving with real-world physics, all within the bounds of a browser. For those familiar with Cannon.js or Babylon.js, Ammo.js comes across as a natural progression. Integrating Ammo.js with Threejs ensures those objects in your game move, fall, and collide just as you’d expect. Dive into its Github repository to unravel the depths of its code and witness its true potential. With Ammo.js, your gaming world is only limited by your imagination!


Stepping into the gaming arena, having a precise physics engine can make your virtual world come alive. Physijs emerges as a shining beacon in this domain, particularly when merged with the capabilities of Three.js. A WebGL game’s environment becomes incredibly authentic when objects bounce, slide, or topple as they would in the real world. With the support of Ammo.js under the hood, Physijs ensures a smooth physics simulation within your game. For 3D model enthusiasts, Blender is an invaluable tool. Integrating a Blender object into your game can be seamless with Physijs. Whether you’re working with a Blender file in its raw form or one refined through the third edition, Physijs stands ready to make it game-ready. With numerous tutorials and resources available on platforms like GitHub, you can quickly master the art of combining Cannon.js, Threejs, and Physijs to create a gaming experience that truly resonates. Dive into the world of realistic game physics with Physijs!


As we explored through Three js extensions and libraries, it’s clear that these tools significantly enhance WebGL game development. From Cannon.js’s physics capabilities to Physijs’s seamless blender integrations, the future of interactive gaming is both vibrant and boundless.

Ready to witness how Three.js extensions and libraries take Game Development to the Next Level? Discover how our experts at ThreeJsDevelopers Company craft stunning game apps with ease and expertise.

Nishant Bijani

Nishant Bijani is a passionate and knowledgeable CTO and co-founder who delivers customized solutions that exceed customer expectations. He stays up-to-date with industry advancements and is dedicated to engineering, innovation, and customer satisfaction.